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"Tanpa membangun sistem pembelajaran dan validasi untuk pembelajaran di tempat kerja, maka corporate university akan berjalan pincang dan sekadar nama baru yang megah bagi Pusat Diklat."
Personal Information
Muhammad Firdaus
Place and Date of Birth
Atapange, 3 March 1966
Educational Qualifications
2005 PhD, in Sociology, Australian National University
1998 Master of Business Administration, University of Birmingham, UK
1994 Graduate Diploma in Computing Studies, University of Canberra, Australia
1990 English Education, FPBS IKIP Ujung Pandang
Training Experience
Digitalization of Public Administration, Ecole Nationale De' Administration (ENA)
Executive Development Programme, Temasek Foundation-Bapppenas
Policy Implementation Strategy and Evaluation, Japan International Cooperation Centre, Tokyo
2016 •
Coaching and Mentoring for Trainers, Accredited Training International, Middlesex University London, UK
Management of Training, Lembaga Administrasi Negara
Accredited Assessor Training, LPP Makassar
Leadership Training Level II
Training of Trainers: Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Writing by AusAid
2011 •
Beyond Film Making Organized by Bursa Pengetahuan KTI (BaKTI)
Australia-Indonesia Leadership and Management Programs by ANZSOG
Outcome Mapping organized by Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia (BaKTI)
Manegerial Training Level III (for Echelon 3), Agriculture Training Centre in Ciawi, Bogor
2009 •
Leadership: Attitude and Skills of Sucessful Leaders, Asian Management Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
2008 •
Training of Facilitators for Implementing Manual for Public Service Delivery Improvement (Permenpan No. 13/2009).
1998 •
Media Management, Pentree Production and the University of Birmingham, UK
Policy Research Methods, LAN Sulsel, Makassar
English for Academic Purposes, British Council Jakarta
General Public Administration, LAN Sulsel Makassar
Trends and Techniques of TEFL, LB LIA Jakarta
Methods and Techniques of Project Management, DSE German, DAP Philippines
Documenting and Implementing ISO 9000, PT Nikinza Jakarta
Training for English Language Trainers, LAN Sulsel Makassar
Strategic Information Management, CCMD Canada, Ottawa
Work Experience
Civil Service Appointments
2019 - Present
Head, Competency Development Technology, Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI
2018 - 2019
Head, Centre for Innovation Promotion and Capacity Building, Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI
2014 - 2018
Head, Center for Research and Public Service Training II of Lembaga Administrasi Negara RIu
2008- 2014
Head, Research Division on Policy Management, Public Service
Consultancy Appointments
Head of Assessment Team for Senior Officials promotion of Makassar City
Head of Assessment Team for Senior Officials promotion of Mamuju Utara Regency
Head of Assessment Team for Senior Officials promotion of Mamuju Regency
Member of Assessment Team for Senior Officials promotion of Luwu Utara Regency
Sept. 2007 - April 2009•
A consultant for the World Bank, involving in the preparation of the SISWA project
January - August 2006
A consultant for the Stock-taking study on Decentralization, specializing in organisational structure of local governments in Indonesia
November 2006 – April 2007
A consultant for the World Bank, exploring how teachers are managed within the context of the Indonesian civil service,
contributing to a report for BERMUTU project
February - August 2000
A consultant (Human Resource Management Specialist) in the “Capacity Building Needs Assessment for Local Governments and
Legislatures” in Indonesia for the GTZ.
Research Activities
2008 - 2009 •
A researcher for AIGRP-funded project entitled “Informal Workplace Learning: A path to an improved Public Service Training”
2008 - 2014
A Coordinator and a researcher in PKP2A II LAN Makassar focusing on Policy Management, Public Service and Administrative
January - Dec 2008
A Coordinator of a research project in STIA LAN Makassar entitled “The Implementation of Performance-based budgeting” (Implementasi Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja)
A Coordinator of a research project in STIA LAN Makassar entitled “Information Technology Utilization in Government in Eastern Indonesia” (Pendayagunaan Teknologi Informasi pada Sektor Pemerintahan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia)
March – December 2006
A Coordinator of a research project in STIA LAN Makassar entitled “Informal Organizational Structure: Uncovering a hidden potential in organisations” (Struktur Organisasi Informal: Menggali potensi tersembunyi dalam organisasi)
2001 – 2005
PhD Research entitled “Professional Development: A social network perspective” at the Australian National University
Teaching Appointments and Academic Activities
2013 •
Diklat Training of Officer Course
Diklat Prajabatan Golongan I & II kelas A dan C Pemerintah Provinsi Sulbar bekerjasama dengan PKP2A II LAN Makassar
Ceramah dalam Diklat TeknisStandard Pelayanan Minimal Pemerintah Kota Makassar
Asistensi Penyusuna SOP Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulsel
External dissertation examiner, “Pengembangan Kapasitas Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Wajo”
External dissertation examiner, “Peranan Kepemimpinan dalam Pengembangan Organisasi”
Managing Editor, Jurnal Administrasi Publik, published by PKP2A II LAN.
2007 - 204
A faciliator for Implementing the Manual for Participative Public Service Delivery improvement (Permenpan No. 13/2009)
During PhD research period, I did tutoring in the subject of Social Network Analysis at the School of Social Sciences, the Australian National University
An Indonesian Language Tutor for Canberra Language School, Australia
2000 - present
A Lecturer at STIA LAN Makassar, specialising on the subject of Diffusion of Innovation, Change Management, Management Information Systems and Human Resource Development.
•Teaching Leadership and Organizational culture for Masters Cource at Universitas Negeri Makassar
An academic adviser and theses supervisor for undergraduate students at STIA LAN Makassar. In 2006, I startted supervising postgraduate students' theses at STIA LAN Makassar
A thesis examiner for undergraduate students at STIA LAN Makassar. Starting in 2006, I also examine theses for masters' degree at STIA LAN Makassar
1999 - 2000
A coordinator and a researcher in a research project of LAN Makassar entitled "Identification and analysis of information system utilisation in supporting the empowerment of human resource in local governments in South Sulawesi" (Identifikasi dan tinjauan pemanfaatan sistim informasi dalam rangka mendukung pendayagunaan aparatur pemerintah daerah di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan).
8 March to 28 May 1999
A co-trainer in Change Management Training at Lembaga Administrasi Negara Jakarta and contributed to the book published based on this training program, entitled Change Management: A concept of enhancing the process of change.
4 - 15 October 1999
A trainer in a Change Management training program at Lembaga Administrasi Negara Makassar, specialising in the subjects "Organisation and Personnel Development" and "Moderation Techniques".
1995 - 2001
A trainer at Lembaga Administrasi Negara Makassar, specialising in several areas related to the management of information systems in the government as well as in areas related to methods, approaches and tools in the public service training.
Seminar Presentations
A keynote speaker at 2008 Australian Development Scholarship Reintegration Seminar, presenting the topic of “Change Management Concepts and Practices” (April 2008) Jointly organized by AUSAID-Sekretariat Negara
A seminar presenter at STIA Academic Seminar in December 2008
A speaker at the socialization of Minimum Service Standard Organized by The Government of Takalar Regency in June 2009
A speaker at the socialization of Minimum Service Standard Organized by The Government of Sulawesi Barat in September 2009
Published and Unpublished Works
Firdaus (2018). Belajar sambil bekerja dan bekerja sambil belajar. Kolom Opini Fajar 29 Juni 2018
Anita dan Firdaus, M. (2013). Budaya Kerja Organisasi: Panduan Praktis bagi agen Perubahan. GP, Jakarta
Firdaus dan Chairunisa (2012). Membangun Suprastruktur Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi: Kunci sukses implementasi e-Government di Kota Surabaya. Jurnal Administrasi Publik VIII(2), pp 118-126.
Firdaus (2010). Strategi dan Pendekatan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi: Solusi Untuk Optimalisasi Daya Guna Sistem Informasi Manajemen dalam Organisasi. Jurnal Administrasi Publik VI(4). Pp. 37-48
Firdaus,. (2010). A Book Review: “Whatever you think, think the opposite by Paul Arden. London: Penguin Books, 2006. 144pp. ISBN 0-141-02571-9. Jurnal Administrasi Publik VI(2), pp. 47-50.
Firdaus, M. (2009). A Book Review: “Beyond rational management: Mastering the paradoxes and competing demands of high performance by Robert E. Quinn. California: Jossey-Bass, 1988. 199pp. ISBN 1-55542-377-9. Jurnal Administrasi Publik VI(2), pp. 47-50.V(1) pp 39-42
Firdaus, M. (2007). The position of Indonesia in the Age of Information Civilization (Posisi Indonesia dalam Era Peradaban Informasi). Jurnal Administrasi Negara 13 (2).
Firdaus, M. (2006). Informal structure: The neglected power in organisations (Struktur Informal: Potensi organisasi yang terabaikan). Jurnal Administrasi Negara 12 (4)
Firdaus, M. (2006). Scrutinising the effectiveness of the human resource development system in the civil service (Mencermati Efektivitas Sistem Pengembangan SDM Aparatur). Jurnal Administrasi Publik. 2 (2)
Firdaus, M. (2006). Organisations of Local Governments from the Perspectives of the Central and Local Governments (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Ditinjau dari Perspektif Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah). Jurnal Administrasi Negara 12 (2): 11-25
Firdaus, M. (2005). Professional learning and development: A social network perspective. School of Social Sciences. Canberra, The Australian National University: 435. (A PhD thesis)
Firdaus, M. (1999). Moderation Technique: A tool for managing the process of change. In G. Mersmann and G. V. Harder (Eds.), Change Management: A concept of enhancing the process of change. (43-48). Jakarta: Lembaga Administrasi Negara and Deutsche Stiffung Fur International Entwicklung.
Fridaus, M. (1999). “Empowering Public Administration through the New Public Management (Mendayagunakan Administrasi Negara dengan Management Publik Baru).” Jurnal Administrasi Negara 5(2): 18-35.
Firdaus, M. (1998). Co-ordinating information technology strategy for Indonesian public organisations. Development Administration Group. Birmingham, University of Birmingham: 67. (A Master's thesis)
Firdaus, M. (1990). Subject-verb agreement problems encountered by the first semester students of the English Education Department of FPBS IKIP Ujung Pandang in learning English grammar. FPBS. Ujung Pandang, Institute Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan: 68. (an undergraduate thesis)
Manual for Trining Evaluation Systems of Kabupaten Buton
Manual for Local Government Performance Appraisal: Kota Tidore Kepulauan
Community Engagement
Team Coordinator for “Bureaucratic Reform and Administration” under the Alumni Reference Group (An elite group within Australian Government Scholarship Alumni)
Professional Organizations
IAPA (Indonesian Association of Public Administration)
ARG (Alumni Reference Group)-Australia Awards
JIKTI (Jaringan Peneliti Kawasan Timur Indonesia)